Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Don't do the bidet!

       Hello everyone!! I hope everyone had the best week ever! I know I did!! And it does not hurt that BYU is 2-0 this week!! I think we all knew I could not go two years without that update! Anyway, I do not have anything about the culture this week, but I do have a word of warning/advice. There is a torture device in Japan that is in nearly every bathroom in Japan. I like to call it the bidet. It has settings from 1 to FIRE HOSE!! So my word of warning is that if you cannot read Chinese characters on Japanese toilets haha, then do not try the bedit! Just do not risk it! That is all I will say!
     Anyway this week one thing I loved was this line I heard,
"Remember: the heavens will not be filled with those who never made mistakes but with those who recognized that they were off course and who corrected their ways to get back in the light of gospel truth." Sometimes I think we feel like we have to be perfect or we look at others lives from the outside and we see this perfect picture. We look at our peers and truly believe that they do not make mistakes. Do not judge the picture by its frame. If you put two pictures of a beautiful
family side by side and one had a cracked dusty frame next to a picture with a golden new frame, would you truly say that one picture was better than the other? We are all equally loved in the eyes of God no matter our situation. Plus I can promise you that everyone is struggling in some way or another even if it appears not to be so. So often we forget Christ's own words in Luke 15:7:

7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner
that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which
need no repentance.

    The joy in Heaven for those that work and turn unto the Lord is indescribable in my opinion. So never get down looking at others and thinking you are worse. If you are going to look outward at others, do it to serve them, not to accept their judgements. Focus on God and Christ's judgements alone. Pray unto the Father daily and I promise you will receive the exact answer or help that you need, but you have
to be prepared to see those answers or that help be unfolded unto you in your life or you may miss it. I have always heard that we need to be in tune with the voice of the spirit so that we do not miss answers we could receive through spiritual promptings. 
     But what other voices are we listening to? In my experience, I would honestly say for me, roughly 9 times out of 10 my answers to prayers or needed support I needed in my life was sent through people in my life. Are we listening
to our parents? Our teachers? Church leaders? Are we truly tuning in when it comes Conference time? Are we actually reading the scriptures as a history written for us rather than made up stories of fairytale heroes? Are you putting yourself in a position that God could send someone you have never met before into your life to change it for the better? I know that there is at least one of these questions that we
could answer honestly to ourselves, knowing we could improve upon it.

     For example, as a missionary, I never realized how many people might be missing out on answers to their prayers through people when they walk around always with their headphones in. I cannot tell you how many people did not hear or see us trying to talk to them in this mission
field just because they had their headphones in. If anyone knows me they know how music is my life. But no lyrics you could have playing in that moment, is more important than the communication you could miss with a child of God. If you seek an answer to a prayer go out and live a life where God can send those answers your way! Or more importantly, live a life where you could be the answer to someone else's. I strive to give God everything everyday because there is 350,000 people to every missionary companionship in my mission. I am highly outnumbered. But there is not one soul among all of those 350,000 that are not being prepared daily by the Lord. I just need to be willing to serve and find the ones that are ready and listening. 
     I love you all so much. I know I am just a 19 year old kid across the world. But I can testify of this Church's truth. That Christ is our Savior. God is our Father. This is the Restored Church on the earth. I love you all. Have an amazing week. Keep your feet on the path, your hands on the rod, and keep your eyes on Christ!
Elder Trevor Aiken

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Elder Aiken. Pray for the Lord to bless you with the Spiritual gifts he wants you to have. I have been reading about that in my Infinite Atonement book and in reading Paul in First Corinithian. Love you, Deana
