Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Monday, November 30, 2015

A change of heart!

This store says "Aiken" in Japanese!
    Hello everyone.  This was a great week!! It is raining every day and it is soooo cold! Yesterday I looked at the weather on my iPad and the humidity was literally at 100%. 
     How was everyone's Thanksgiving?! They don't celebrate that here in Japan. We fasted on Thanksgiving to go and have success in our day with our 4 lessons planned. We started the fast the night before and the spirit was strong and our spirits were high. That day we had all 4 of our lessons get canceled on us. I was disappointed for sure, but I did not get frustrated or let it get to me and ruin the spirit of that day because I have learned a big lesson on my mission that I wish I learned much earlier. Everyone has their agency. When someone wrongs you or does something that is hard to bear, it is not because of something you did and it it not your fault. Also, I took a step back and looked at the blessings of the day and of the fast. My companion and I had never been frustrated with each other that day because of the language barrier. We united in our times of struggle and lifted each other up. A diligent missionary delights in the work. That is what I will do in any way I can, until the day I get off the plane in Salt Lake City. That is because I have changed so much already on my mission with millions of miles still to grow. 
   But I did not change through obedience and doing God's will and giving one 100 percent. Yes those things are needed, but we can do the Lord's will everyday, but if inwardly it is not our own then we will not change. That is the promise from the Father. Lawrence E. Corbridge said, "This process of change, this process of evolving, becoming, is the object of the gospel. Change is the design of faith in Christ, repentance and baptism. Redemptive change happens by the power of the Holy Ghost. But it happens only if and when your heart is right. It happens only if you do not fight against God. It happens only if you unconditionally surrender your will to the Lord." This gospel is steadfast and unchanging, but its sole purpose is change. It is for us to change! To become like our Father in Heaven, but that is an inward effort of truly changing our hearts to line with the Father. 3 Nephi 13:21: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
     Take a step back and truly think and ask yourself. Are your actions and commitments to the Lord, really to the Lord? When we are being obedient or doing his will, are we still inwardly wanting to do our will? Are we going to church, reading the scriptures, and praying, but doing it as routine or because of what others will think if we don't? It has to be from our heart! Our desire to change! Brother Corbridge continues, "You may permit the Lord to change your nature if you give yourself to Him and to His work. He cannot work on what He does not have, and He cannot have you, unless you give yourself to Him." 
     Too often we say that is my "nature." I cannot change.  This gospel is the testimony of change. It is the divine witness that through our Savior Jesus Christ, we can become like Him. I plead that we will do so. Gain the desire to do so and do so. Pray in our closets rather than street corners, as the Savior asked. Do not follow God's commandments because of what others will think. Follow God because of what God thinks! He loves us and we are his children. Our savior loves us perfectly! Come unto Him with full purpose of heart and be purified even as He is pure. I am changing because I have gained the desire to, because I am weak and sin and make mistakes, but I strive every day to set my heart on the treasures of Heaven. Please pray every day with me to be filled with the Savior's love and go do His will because we want to. Do not sit on the fence. Satan has, and always will own the fence. 
     I love all of you! I pray that in this Christmas season we can seek change and may obtain the desire to become like our Savior. I love you all so much! Keep your feet on the path, your hands on the rod, and keep your eyes on Christ.
Elder Trevor Aiken

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