Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Monday, October 24, 2016

Transferring to Sado!

     Hello everyone.  I apologize it has been a while since I last wrote.  But it has been a week with huge ups and downs. My companion had to go home this past week for medical reasons a year into his mission. That was very hard for me seeing him go and definitely a lot harder for him. But he is set in trying to figure out the problem and get back into the field if possible. 

     This week I had one of the most powerful, spiritual, and tender moments for me on my mission. We had Elder Bednar come and speak to us last. The Tokyo South mission came up and also joined us. We were about 6 rows away from an Apostle of the Lord. But not the ones you see in conference. He was so funny, so relaxed. He was just like any other man in the way he joked around and was way funny. But he held a spirit and a power that led me to listen to and hear what was not being said and receive personal revelation of how I need to improve and change and grow. He instilled such a desire in everyones hearts to be a little better. A little more obedient, dedicated, and consecrated. That is what I will be. I am striving for it and seeking improvement.   
     One thing I loved is how Elder Bednar and his wife both went up and said, "Didn't Elder Christofferson put God's love in a new light last conference." I love that the apostles still grow and learn from each other. They all have their own insights and knowledge to bring and I love that. Sometimes it just seems to me like they all just know every single thing so what other apostles say is not new to them, but that is not true. Loved that. You could just see the respect and the love that they have for each other. 

     I learned so much in the conference and I will probably tell you some little by little each week, but one thing I loved was that he talked about how we have agency and need to be agents not objects. We need to act and not be acted upon. He said how one time someone asked him if he had ever been in a boring sacrament meeting or other meeting. He said that anyone who has ever said that they have been in a boring and bad meeting was because they were not agents, they were objects. They allowed themselves to be spoken at. They sat there and just said ok give it to me. Make it fun. Like it is entertainment. You need to be interacting. You need to be listening for what is not being said. For what the spirit is telling you. Do not just sit there and be acted upon. He said that when someone says they were in a boring sacrament meeting or class, that says nothing about the meeting and everything about that person. In our church of course there are many people who are not always super energetic and fun and or are still working on teaching skills. That is why we need to be agents, not objects. I loved those thoughts. There have been many a time when I was younger that I have said that about meetings. On my mission sitting there not being able to understand any of the Japanese coming from the pulpit has caused me to think along the same lines sometimes. Especially when everyone is laughing and I don't know why so I just laugh awkwardly so people think I get it. But just a little quieter than everyone else so it is not obvious I am faking! But I loved what he said. We need to act and be agents not objects. 
     It is transfer week as well and I am transferring to a little Island called Sado. It is the farthest away area in our mission. It is way up north! I am going back to Niigata for winter again. It is going to be a cold one. I was so sad to hear I was leaving Kawagoe, but time for another new journey!
     Talk to next week from Sado!
Elder Trevor Aiken

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