Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Sunday, April 9, 2017

61 strawberries!

All-you-can-eat strawberries!  Yes - I ate 61!
     Brothers and sisters! What an amazing week! The church is true! The church is true! We have a Savior Jesus Christ who can take all our pain, sorrows, and struggles away! Or rather, take the burden of them away. What a blessing to live in this these latter days! We have living prophets on the earth and they do speak the words of our Father! What a blessing! We have modern revelation to guide us through these difficult times. "Shall we not go on in so great a cause!? Courage my young friends, and on, on to the victory!" What joy fills my soul in the joy of this the Lord's gospel. What a great day to be alive to see the work of the Lord all around us:) 

     This week we had a lot of fun stuff go down! We went to an ALL YOU CAN EAT STRAWBERRY FARM... Do you even understand what I am saying people? ALL. YOU. CAN. EAT. For 30 minutes. I had 61! And they were unreal. I honestly had never had that good of a strawberry except one time in Germany. But that was one time. This was 61 consecutive times of pure joy. I almost cried. It was that real. Beautiful. 

I'm way in the back!
     Plus, I learned 2 Hip-Hop dance moves from this 12 year old less active girl in our ward who came to our Hula dance night. And I tell you what, I was looking pretty good on the dance floor... except for the fact that my dance skills have plummeted as a missionary. Nooot good! But it was way fun.
     Today was transfer day. For the first time in 13 months, 9 transfers, my companion is staying with me for more than one transfer! I am going to end my mission in Sakado with Elder Bloomfield! I am so happy! I am so grateful to the Lord for allowing me to finish in Sakado. Such a great blessing to me! We all woke up early and gathered as a zone in Urawa and took all of our calls together and it was so awesome. So fun. Everyone was freaking out. Then one of my ZL's got called to be assistant which was crazy. In his patriarchal blessing he was told he would be a district leader, a zone leader, and assistant, and it was fulfilled! Testimony builder! He had never told anyone that until today. I thought that was pretty cool. He was pretty emotional. But I can't believe I am on my last transfer and I know I need to work hard and be an example to the young missionaries here at the end. I will give my final testimony next week at ZC.  
     I love this work with all my heart. Greatest time ever. I can't believe I had to say goodbye to Elder Frazier. He is gone on Friday and I said goodbye today. That was way surreal for me... I could not believe it. So crazy. On my mission I went from a love and joy of knowing the gospel to a love and joy of sharing the gospel! 
     Have a great week!
Elder Trevor Aiken

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