Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Week 2!

Saying goodbye to good friend Elder Hunter Dall!
    The mission has been amazing so far! I have loved every second. It has been hard but amazing in every way. We have already had Elder Holland, Elder Christofferson, and Janice Kapp Perry speak to us! It has been great to feel that power and strength that they have. It was so powerful to have Elder Christofferson come up and speak to us and talk about how much he sincerely misses Elder Perry. He said how he was like a father to him in many ways. So powerful. 
     I learned a lot this week. We as missionaries truly were saved for the 11th hour of the 7th day to go out and gather Israel. Those are big shoes to fill and every missionary is too inadequate to fill those shoes. But with exact obedience and following the spirit, we gain the power to fill those shoes. It will be hard and will bring me to my knees, but that is the point!! The Lord will stretch us every time we start to feel comfortable because he wants us to always be growing and striving to become like Him. How true it is that I am the current bush and He will cut me down to grow as He wishes. He is the Gardner here. 

     Something Elder Christofferson said keeps me going every time it gets hard. "Quitting is not the answer. Stopping won't make you feel better. You just have to keep working." So I do every day. It is the only way I know I can succeed. In the lifelong race, Jesus Christ is not at the finish line. He is walking with us every step. We just need to keep our eyes on Christ. We stumble when we focus on the judgments of others rather than God's judgment. We have all made mistakes in this life, but if we repent the Lord will forgive us, but we will not forget those mistakes. We will grow from them. The past is a time to learn from, not linger on. Look to the present and to the future. Now is the time to forget yourself and come unto Christ. He needs us now. One of the biggest temptations is procrastination. Do not wait another second to come unto Christ. He has great things in store for you if you just come unto Him. When it gets hard and you feel like Satan is working on you like never before, just remember that that means Satan knows that you are about to do something great around the corner. 

     I love you all so much. I would not be able to be here on my mission and have a testimony of these things if it was not for the support from all of you - I know that's guiding me.  Until next week, God be with you all. My challenge to you this week as life gets hard is to never quit and never look down. Christ is the horizon. He is the answer just around the corner. Make him your Center. 
Love you all!! 
Elder Trevor Aiken

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