Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Succor those in need!


   Hello everyone!!! I love this mission!!!! It is the best place on earth and I could not be anywhere else in my life at this time. 
     We had a funny experience this week where an elder meant to say that he sacrificed two years for the Japanese people, but he accidentally said that he sacrificed 2000 of the Japanese people! Our investigator was so confused!  Pretty funny.
     I had the awesome experience to watch the funeral of Elder Perry last week. It was a sad experience but it was so powerful to hear from all of the apostles speak and President Monson close. I loved how President Monson said that there was no chink in the armor of God on Elder Perry. He was such a powerful man. I loved how he was summed up when he described how Elder Perry served like this, the motto on a British infantryman's duffle bag: "I serve." He made it simple yet powerful. He served his country, his family, and this Church wholeheartedly every single day. It was so powerful to see the love towards Elder Perry. 
     One thing I have learned this week as I have studied and strived to learn the language is that I am learning two languages. "Learning the language of the spirit and prayer is a joyful, lifetime experience." said President Spencer W. Kimball. I also loved what was said by Susan B. Tanner in a devotional this past week. She said that the temple is the Lord's first MTC. It is the first place He prepares us to serve a mission and to serve everyday of our lives. Keeping covenants makes a missionary endowed with power. And how true that is. I cannot wait to go to the temple later today! What a joy it is to go. 

     I loved the difference we learned between being authorized and qualified. We are all authorized when we are set apart as missionaries, but as we obey and hearken to the words of God and Jesus Christ, we are empowered. So powerful that just about over half of the first 80 sections of D&C starts with "hearken". With the call of being a missionary we receive a mantle. The mantle is a like a suit jacket that is too big. As we follow the Savior and work every day we can grow into that jacket but we will never be fully comfortable because the day we are comfortable we will not rely on the Savior every second of every day. We are only really comfortable the day we get released. I am dreading that day already.
     Time for my challenge of the week. I would challenge everyone to succor those in need every time you see a chance. I heard the definition of succor today and I loved it. It means to run to the cry of. If we can truly run to the cry (or succor) those in need are we not true examples of Jesus Christ?! Life will be hard but just remember this counsel: When life is hard and it feels like you are drowning, just remember that your Lifeguard walks on water. Christ is just waiting for us to walk to him everyday. It feels everyday as if I am treading on water. I have to have ultimate faith to keep me afloat. We must strive every day to keep our eyes on Christ and walk out to Him and He will meet us halfway with untold blessings if we do so. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 
     I love you all and I pray for you all every night.  Aishiteimasu!!!!
Elder Aiken

1 comment:

  1. So amazing. I love that I am related to him. And you. And your whole fam damily.
