Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Monday, January 18, 2016

Lift Where You Stand!

     This last week was such an amazing week. I had some experiences that have never made me grow so much and turn to the spirit and to my Savior to help me guide every action, thought, and word. We saw so many miracles this last week. Actually, right after emailing last week, we went to lunch at a ramen shop and the line was so long, so we just talked to this way steki fufu behind us. That means like stylish or cool couple. We talked to them and built such a good relationship so fast. By the time we reached the front of the line to eat, we just decided to all eat together. We got to talk to them about our purpose and why we are here and about Church. It was so awesome. We are meeting with them hopefully again this next week. 
     Also, we had a young man that we were working with, start to come back to church 3 weeks ago after being less active for years. He is 17. He has started talking about going on a mission a little bit now and yesterday he walked into church with another young man we had never seen. Turns out it was his friend who is also 17 who had been less active for 2 years!  We were going to go to his house tonight for a big family home evening and lesson, but it just snowed a foot last night and is still snowing so we cannot get there which is so sad. But that is ok because the thing I learned this week and wanted to share with you is what President Uchtdorf so perfectly said years ago: 
"Lift where you stand."

     Many times I found myself thinking out here, if I could just speak the language then... If I had a larger Ward then... If I had a Japanese companion that spoke English then... If we had more investigators then... 
     So many times I think we want a new situation, a better future, or just.. Better. It is great to always strive for better, but if we are constantly waiting for better, then we will miss what we have and we will never be happy. Lift where you stand. Stop wondering if only you had a better calling or job or house. Lift where you stand. Give the Lord and those around you all of your love and dedication where you are. Use what you have and God will always give you more. You do not need praise or everyone to see your greatness for you to be great. That is not greatness. That is not glory. That is not courage. Lift where you stand and the Lord will always see your efforts. 

     Also, we ask some times for more, but never ask for less. The Lord has given us these experiences and challenges because only we can handle them in the way we can. We have a unique strength that maybe only God knows we have. Never think you cannot do it. God is giving these experiences to us to love with more authenticity.  "May we cease to aspire and cease to retire!"  Let us give our all! Work like it all depends on us and pray like it all depends on Him! Try Him. If you do that He will never let you fall.  We can never lift where we stand all alone. God knows that. He will be with us the whole time, and in a lot of cases will send His children to bear it with us if we can really see them when He sends them. 
     Do not give up! Do not give in! We can do this! Stop wishing for something better or new. Lift where you stand and give it your all and you will be happy. You will push on. You will endure. This is it! This is our time to prepare. This is all we are given, this one life. Use it...and Magnify it! Have the faith that you can do it!  
     I love this work. This is the greatest and happiest time of my life. I will cherish and remember it my whole life. It is the hardest thing I have ever faced. Everyday has a challenge, but I just try to lift where I stand and I hold to my testimony and ever-growing conversion to my Savior Jesus Christ and I can do it. Keep your feet on the path, your hands on the rod, keep your eyes on Christ, and lift where you stand! 
     Have the best week ever!
Elder Trevor Aiken 

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