Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Monday, January 4, 2016

My first transfer!

Cleaning day!
     Hello everyone!  I do not have a lot to say this week because this week was transfer calls so it has been so crazy.  Being the new year, we did a lot of cleaning in our apartment. I found out here in my first area there will be a trio now! But I am not a part of that trio! I am transferring to a new area and I am now going to be the District Leader of Takasaki over 8 missionaries. I am so excited to go and be a leader there! I get to go to the temple which I'm so excited about!  That was the hardest part of my first area, not being able to go to the temple because we were so far away.  And I think there is a Costco!!! 

     I am also leaving one of my best friends in the world here in Nagaoka though.  I am going to miss my companion
Kashiwa Choro so much.  He is my best friend and he is amazing. He got a little emotional and told me yesterday when we finished our last training how he was thankful that I taught him how to work hard and to be obedient and have a strong testimony. I was humbled as I immediately thought of my parents. I realized that my dad had been training me my whole life to be a missionary and to be a trainer. He taught me the importance of always having a rock solid work ethic and that there is no point in doing anything in this life if we are not going to give our best effort to it and give 100%. I am so thankful for my dad. I also thought of my mom and she always bore her testimony to me in everything and always showed her example to me of being exactly obedient. Even after a school dance the night before and I was dead tired haha. She told me to always attend my meetings and give my all to the Lord. I love my parents so much. I looked at Kashiwa Choro this last transfer through the eyes of a parent in order to truly treat him and train him the way the Lord would want, and I know that was the same thing my parents did for me! 
     I am so excited for my new area and I am so excited what will happen. When you reach out to a new branch, always look back to your roots first. That is what I did and I am so excited for this next step in my mission! I love you all so much! Have the best week ever!
Elder Trevor Aiken

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