Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Fall in love with the Gospel!

     How are you all doing?  Time flies by when you are having fun - holy cow. I cannot believe I hit 10 months on Sunday. This mission is blowing by. But this week was so fun. 
     A little girl got baptized on Sunday!!! It was one of the most spiritual experiences I have had in my mission to be invited to stand in the circle and confirm her with the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was so powerful for me. I realized that it was the first baptism I had seen since my own! It was so amazing to feel of that spirit. It made me want to be a father even more! I cannot wait for the day to see one of my children make the choice to enter the waters of baptism! 
     This Ward is awesome! We are really progressing in this area and are just looking to go even further. We are not even close to our potential. Because the potential limit is the Lord's limit and that is far out of my reach in this His work. 

     Today we got all of the Tokyo West and Tokyo East zone missionaries and played volleyball together. It was way fun. I had a few dives which is the best feeling ever! Until the court burns on your knee but that is ok! Also, word of advice! Never go out in the rain and forget your rain pants but do not have enough to go back and grab them. Because it is not fun and it is very cold and you get rain tan lines on your pants. But that is also ok!! Wanna know why??
Because there is no better feeling than being able to fall back in love with this gospel every day. This perfect good news. This joy! The Relief Society president in my ward here (she is from the Philippines and speaks perfect English) laughs every time she calls and I pick up because I am just always so happy. I just am not able to not be happy! This is the greatest work on earth! We have a Savior of our souls everyone!!
     Wake up! Remember Him! How can we be sad when He has already been sad for us?! Why sin when He has already taken it!? Give place no more for the enemy of your soul! Fall back in love with this gospel! Remember what made you fall in love with it in the first place! Christ is the personification of love. This gospel is love. And I love every day that I am in His service. I have never been so happy! Isn't it so fun to change, take a step forward, and never look back?? Isn't it so cool to notice the change we can get through Christ?? I cannot and will not, except for in times when I am humbled to my knees, think of where I would be if I did not serve this mission. This is not a long blog because this pday was weird and busy, but I just challenge you to please try to fall back in love with the gospel again in any way. 
     When I was in the MTC, a man came and spoke and said how in his mission, when he was struggling a lot, he would read the Book of Mormon and would ask the Lord again if it was not true. Not because he doubted his testimony, but just to get another spiritual witness and confirmation and he felt the warmth and joy and confirmation every time. It gave him the strength to go on and to proudly serve his mission. He said he did it multiple times and challenged us to do so. So whatever it is, do so to get yourself another witness of this gospel. If we receive an answer once when we are in our youth, Satan will start working every day onward to make us forget our doubt that feeling we had as the years go on. Ask again. Act again. Fall in love with the message that gives a way to our Father and an eternity with our families. Fall in love with the gospel of love. I get to do it again and again every day. I love you all so much! 
    Have a great week!
Elder Trevor Aiken

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