Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Monday, April 25, 2016

Time flies!


    Hello everyone, how are you doing? I am doing so good!! I am so sorry it has been so long. It has been a crazy few weeks. 
     This past week was amazing! We got to go to the temple which was just a great experience. I love the love I feel there. I love the peace and everlasting joy that just hits you as you walk in the front doors. It is literally like you are just leaving this world for a few hours. You can get away. Then I hit my 11 month mark which does not even make sense. And believe it or not I felt my first earthquake on that day. I know it is crazy but I never felt one before then. I slept through one or two but that was it. Plus, I was not even close to the big earthquake the other day if you are wondering, so I'm fine, but it has been hard to see families who have family there and the worry they feel. It is scary that it could happen at any time. A big earthquake has been predicted to hit Tokyo but I have no idea when. 

     But anyway! It is going too fast. This transfer is already over in 2 weeks and then I will be transfer 8. Half way. Disgusting. Time flies when you are in the work of the Lord! 
     This Sunday we had a huge miracle I want to share really fast. One of our main investigators, Norris, has canceled the last 5 times we have tried to meet and we did not know why but he finally told us he fell down his stairs and that was the only thing he told us. So we stopped inviting him to lessons for a week or so while he was recovering and just followed up.  He works two jobs Monday-Saturday and Sunday. Sunday came and I asked how taking the stitches out went and he said, "I am coming to church man." He had never come and that had been our main problem was getting him to church. But he came and told us he fell because he was drunk and he knew he fell because he was not obeying the word of God and he needed to stop drinking. (Humbled) miracle. Then (he had already asked his boss for work off on Sunday's but his boss said no) he told us that his boss told him that he could have Sunday off to rest because he had told him that he wanted to worship on Sunday's! (Humbled) Miracle! Then he had a great experience and we had a lesson after church where we taught about fasting and committed him to fast this Wednesday night to know if he should quit his job on Sunday and come to church every Sunday. He said he would and we will do it with him! Such a cool miracle! Please pray for Norris! 

     It has been a great week, but even more so a spiritual one. Seeing these people in such worry and sadness because of the earthquake and those who were lost to it was heartbreaking to see and it was hard to see their sadness. But such peace came to me because of what I know. Truly I thought this gospel is the glue that keeps my heart together. Knowing that anyone I lose is never lost. They are just being turned over to better hands. Not even to the point of losing loved ones, but even just being separated from them for an extended time. I miss my family terribly, but I know that our Father has a plan for all of us and I put them in His hands because there are none better. We need not worry about the "separations" of mortality. Sometimes separating from family, friends, or those we love can be overwhelming and can seem unfair, but true love must contain the idea of permanence. This gospel is true love. We have someone who gave up his life for us, because He, above all, knew how permanent love is. He knew it was not the end. Rather, His sacrifice made it so there is no end! Never give up!  I miss you all terribly, but I rejoice in the thought of seeing you all again, because I know I will. If we rejoice in such a powerful way when we see those we love, think of the rejoicing in heaven for our Father in Heaven when we return unto Him. He loves us perfectly and desires more than anything to see us again. The hope of this gospel is forever. There are happy endings and risings from the dust. I love this gospel with all that I am, and I am so grateful to be here to share this message. There is no harder separation for anyone at any time than our Father's separation from us. Let us all live to close that gap and return to him. Let us all live to live again. I hope you all have the best week ever! 
Elder Aiken

1 comment:

  1. Elder Aiken! I am so proud of you. You are doing a great work!
    I'm happy to find your blog, even if you never read this! Love you, Mrs. Woody
