Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Loving Sado Island!

     I am just lovin life up here on Sado Island! It was a fun week. We have had to travel to Niigata back to the mainland like 3 times in the past two weeks for splits or meetings and we have to go back again today! When we go it is usually for about three days because there are only 2 ferrys a day to make morning meetings or full day splits we have to go the day before on the 4 o'clock ferry and get to the apartment at 8. Then we stay the whole day and take the morning ferry on the third day and get back to the apartment at about 1:00 so it has been hard to get the work going this far. But after today we will finally have some time to work and find up here. 

     It is really cold up here on Sado. I might have already said this but The Island is like two parallel mountain ranges with a valley in between so the wind has been funneling between the mountains through the valley and it is crazy windy. With the humidity it goes right through your clothes. We have had some cold bitter nights. But that doesn't stop us! Proverbs 20:4 The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.

     We will have something this winter! The Lord has a plan for this Island! I know it! I have such a responsibility and a work to do here. Our third Priesthood holder had his wife kick him out of their house because he joined the church and has now made it a priority in his life. She doesn't like that he goes every Sunday and to Family Home Evening. She has always been against the church but she finally reached her tipping point and kicked him out and he is now living in his car and trying to find. Because of the situation he is not coming to church anymore which is so sad. He is really struggling but we cannot make contact because we do not know where his car is and he is not at home obviously. One member has contact and is making contact but it is so hard. The adversary does everything he can to stop us from accepting and loving this gospel. Walking in and blessing or passing the sacrament every week, talking every month, and not having a Priesthood and relief society meeting each Sunday has really humbled me and turned my heart towards these people. What a faithful little branch of Saints they are! They deserve my 100% effort. I am giving  my all. We found two new investigators and we are working to find those that are prepared here. Working with less actives and our PI's. 
"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great." (D&C 64:33).
     We can never give up!! Especially when we don't see immediate feedback. We can't give up on ourselves, those we love, and those around us. It takes time! Change takes time! It takes the Lord's time. And patience to that time. But we do need to work every day. I am striving to work every day. I strive to see the Lord's hands at work, But I first have to do my work first.  "For behold, this is my work and my glory--to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." A companion scripture found in the Doctrine and Covenants describes with equal clarity and conciseness our primary work as the sons and daughters of the Eternal Father. Interestingly, this verse does not seem to be as well known and is not quoted with great frequency. "Behold, this is your work, to keep my commandments, yea, with all your might, mind and strength."
     Are we doing our work... are we really doing our work?
We must be obedient to the Lord and the promptings of the spirit. Not just in the obvious, but also being obedient to the still small voice that distills upon us personal revelation and tells us how to improve. How many of you have gotten the feeling, oh I need to be better at this... anything from reading your scriptures to controlling your temper. From showing more love to listening more. Attending the temple every week to truly preparing for the sacrament every week. That is not a personal thought or epiphany! That is revelation from the Lord by his Holy Spirit and if we do not act on the revelation we receive which he expects us to act upon then we will not receive more. We need to repent of our shortcomings or of not acting on promptings we have received. Repentance is not just for sins. When we don't act on those promptings it is like going day after day without piling the chain on your bike. Little by little it goes slower and slower until it stops. The promptings will grow dull until we won't recognize them or receive them. We need to do our work in this blink-of-an-eye life, because the Lord will do his work for eternity. Please let us do our work! Have the best week ever!
Elder Trevor Aiken

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