Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Monday, March 20, 2017

Peace begins in the home!

     Hello everyone!!! The church is true! 
     What a great week it has been. Funny story. So to give some preface to the story, my companion Elder Bloomfield and I may or may not have both gone to Mr. Mac to buy our mission suits before the mission and we may or may not have the exact same 2 suits! So this week we wore matching suits and matching ties on Tuesday and Wednesday to our Zone Conference interviews and President Nagano loved it. He said no companionship in the mission looks more alike. First he said we look like 2 FBI agents.. not angry about that one. Then at interviews he said we should be on the cover of the Adjusting to Missionary Life booklet that all missionaries get at the beginning of their missions. Needless to say we were pretty hyped at the fact that it had to be fate that we became comps for sure.   
     Elder Bloomfield is a great Elder. His older brother and his dad also served in Japan and his great uncle had a NDE as a POW in Japan during WWII so his family has some connections here for sure. But it has been a blast working with him.   

     This week was full of the spirit, joy in the work, and activities with the members. We had our Brazilian class and 11 people showed up and one of the students, Marlon, kept us after class to teach us self defense. He is a Self Defense Master in Brazil for this Chinese style but I don't know the name haha. But it is way sweet. He could kill me so fast. He is teaching us for our Pday for fun. 
     But I just have a few simple thoughts I loved this week that I wanted to share. In Japan everyone here hates Trump so bad and they talk a lot of heat on America these days. So many in America do the same. Satan is so smart to have us turn against one another as we argue and fight, giving reasons for why society is bad, which is one of the greatest ironies to me. People fight over whether or not we should fight or not? Like what? But before we complain about what is going on right outside our front door, shouldn't we first fix what is going on inside? In Japan people don't talk to one another. Many here seem to be so sad. Most families do not have good relations. But that joy we feel and find all starts at home and with our families. 
     "Can we make our homes more beautiful? Yes, through addressing ourselves as families to the Source of all true beauty. Can we strengthen society and make it a better place in which to live? Yes, by strengthening the virtue of our family life through kneeling together and supplicating the Almighty in the name of his Beloved Son." I loved that thought. As missionaries, we determine the culture of our mission. We determine if we are going to be an obedient mission or not. A diligent mission or not. The actions we take are the foundation of the society we make. We make the culture of our society. Elder Bendar has told us there are so many things in our church that are not doctrine but culture. And because it is culture we are too scared to break out of it. But so often we fear man more than God. If everyone could just pray daily and ask the Lord what he would have us do... 
prayer brings us into partnership with God. It puts us on equal grounds with Him for us to hear what He has to say and for Him to hear what we have to say. 

      If we could just seek what the Lord would have us do we would have so much more than just the mere riches of the earth. 
D&C 38:39 And if ye seek the riches which it is the will of the Father  to give unto you, ye shall be the richest of all people, for ye shall have the riches of eternity.
     May we we all find those riches of Eternity. May we find the Father through the Son. May we work while it is day, for the night cometh when no man can work and it will be too late. May we lower our pride and just love. Just give. Live as the Savior lives and we can change the world we live in. We can build Zion. But a Zion community needs Zion individuals. It needs Zion people. Are you a Zion individual? What Lack we yet? On to Zion! May we walk with the Savior til we find it. This week my thought is so simple, but it is a simple path for the spirit to enter the Heart, as long as it is open. 
     May we be convinced that Jesus is the Christ, choose to follow Him, be changed for Him, captained by Him, consumed in Him, and born again!
     Have a great week!
Elder Trevor Aiken 

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