Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Monday, May 8, 2017

Have I done any good?

     Hello all - what an amazing week! It was filled with member appointments and some last-time visits. So much fun! 

We had an 8 year old baptism here on Sunday which was amazing. It was of a grand daughter of a three-generation family in the church. I watched as this faithful family of 22 members coming together to watch this girl enter the waters of baptism and I was so impressed and touched by them. It was so powerful for me. 

The most amazing miracle of this week touched my heart and filled me with so much gratitude and knowledge that the Lord has his timing. This week I went into my interview with President Nagano and I was planning on asking him the question that still holds the center stage of my prayers. How do I find peace in going home? But I went in and he just says, "Elder Aiken let's go through your mission. 
First you were in Nagaoka right?"


"Did you see a baptism there I can't remember?" (He asked this on purpose you will see why.)

No, I didn't. 

(Now I have never been stretched in my life like I was in Nagaoka. It was transfer 3, spoke no Japanese, called to be a trainer, switching apartments because the sisters were being followed home and they were both transferred out so my whole district was changing but me. My trainee was Japanese and spoke no English, serving in this little branch of about 18. I gave my all, with ups and downs along the way, but because of the straining emotional environment, and the lack of physical results, being a young immature missionary, I left thinking I did not do much and have felt that way my whole mission regarding Nagaoka.)

"Oh really," said Pres. Nagano. "Ok. Well Elder Aiken, do you remember Yuuya?" (I don't know if you saw my blog literally a year and a half ago but Yuuya is the youth I made apple pies and taco pies with haha. I posted pictures. We were like best friends.)

Ya of course. We were working with Natalia (Brazilian 18 year old young woman who was baptized in Nagaoka 2 years ago and is the only youth in the branch) and challenged her to share the gospel with a friend and she referred us Yuuya. We made pies with him and built a way good relationship and taught the first lesson, but after I transferred I heard he disappeared. 

"Well guess what?" Pres. Nagano asked.  "He is back. And he has a baptismal date!!"


"And guess when his baptismal date is for?"


"May 21st. Your last Sunday. And I give you full permission to skype in for his baptism. He asked that you would be able to." 


That made my whole day! I found out he started coming back to activities and working with the missionaries again. Then Natalia asked what he believes and he said he believed the only things we were able to teach him in my first lesson with him according to his questions. The creation, and that we are all sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters, with a plan in this life. Then, one sister was going to leave and she begged him as she left to try and take the lessons one more time. The next Sunday he walks into church and the Elders were shocked. He comes up and says, "I want to take the lessons. I want to learn." That same week they taught him the Restoration, the Plan of Salvation, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They set a baptismal date for May 21st! But he is only 19 and turns 20 (age of adulthood in japan) in June. His mom is 100% against the church so they thought they might have to push it back just a few weeks. But, Yuuya went and testified to his mom about what he knows and why he wants to get baptized and she said it was OK!! He will get baptized on my last Sunday and I will skype in. I messaged him and told him how excited I was. I told him we are eternal friends no matter where I go and that I pray for him every day! He responded in English and said "We best friends forever." He went on in Japanese and said that he was so excited. He wanted me to skype in and I told him it was my last Sunday. His last reply was, "Let's make it a special Sunday then!:)"
That made my whole day and changed a part of my mission. We never see all the good we do. Not immediately. The Lord has his timing. Sometimes it has to be hard first before it gets easy. 

I think sometimes we ask ourselves and are always wondering why walking the straight and narrow path has to be so hard? Why do I have to have so many rocks in my shoes as I walk? Why does life have to be so hard? But to walk the straight and narrow means we have to walk as the Savior walked. And just as it was for him, "the road to Salvation always goes through Gethsemane. And it will always require a journey to the summit of Calvary." No we won't be crucified and atone and suffer as he as suffered, not even close. (Though we may feel a piece when we refuse the Atonement.)

D&C 19
17 But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;
18 Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit!and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink!

But even though of course we will not experience that trial, to be disciples we must walk where he walked and follow him. To be disciples all he asks is "Come follow me." But how come we think that when we do life should be easy and it's not fair when it isn't? How come we forget that to follow him in his journey of course means to follow him at least to the borderlands of Gethsemane. Elder Holland said, "My convictions and my emotions for the Savior of the world have been born in the most desperate hours of my life. When I wondered if the sun would ever come up again." - Elder Holland.

I have wondered myself why do I have to struggle with this or have this trial? Everyone does! But maybe when it is getting hard it means we are approaching Gethsemane. But just as when the Savior did so in His mortal ministry, if we let him, he will carry us in our walk, and take it all for us. He won't take the trial, but he will take the burden. But will you let him? I pray we will. 

Make it a great week!
Elder Trevor Aiken

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