Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Monday, August 3, 2015

Declaring the word!

     Hey everyone! I am doing so awesome!  We are the only area in my mission that is not allowed to go the temple every transfer which is really hard for me right now but I am loving every second.

     I had a powerful experience reading Alma 42 today. This is the last chapter of Alma conversing with his youngest son Corianton. He talks to him about how he needs to deny the justice of God no more and focus on his sins and repent and change. Now I went through the process so that is not what hit me in that chapter but this I what did. I cannot deny that this is God's work not mine. I am but a vessel and I am nothing and completely inadequate as a missionary without my Savior and Father in Heaven. But I do hold a lot of power.  If I go around being down or angry or I am disobedient or lazy, then I will not have the power of God with me, the spirit with me, or the gift of tongues. I will not be able to sanctify myself but more importantly these people. It is not my place to complain or waste this time in which God has called me to be his servant.  It is his time not mine. I accepted this call so God expects me to work. But I also believe that if I am lazy and give up, God could easily find someone else. Some people might be lost because of my selfishness but God's work will always continue and spread throughout the world. But I will miss on an opportunity to sanctify myself, convert unto my Savior Jesus Christ and take upon myself the character of Christ. Moreover, I will miss the chance to help these people receive a chance to be saved. I could not imagine entering God's kingdom and having people walk up to me and saying, "Elder Aiken, why did you not live obediently, walk uprightly before the Lord, and perform your work by the guidance of the spirit and give me a chance to receive the gospel by sharing it with me?"  have been preparing for this mission long before I entered this life and I will remember it long after I leave it. So how will I leave it? I want to leave it by giving it my all and no longer denying the justice of God but accepting it in my life as a missionary and choosing to serve him and these people every day.      After reading that second to last verse in Alma, I was so zoned in to the chapter that I had not even realized that the last verse was my mission scripture:  Verse 31: And now, O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you even according to my words. Amen.

     I will go and declare this word that they may receive this plan of mercy and this plan of relief. I will keep my eyes on Christ and I will approach the horizon. I will no longer deny the justice of God, but instead of denying the truth I will not only acknowledge it but I will change to walk in line with it.  Will you do work to do the same? Please walk the path to Heavenly Father with Christ with faith in ever footstep. 
     We had a cool this past week, an experience where we prayed to find an investigator.  After tracting for about an hour we went to our apartment and we both agreed that we
should actually go to the church to get some things done.  On our way, we ran into a young man and my companion rushed to speak to him.  When I got there, he saw I spoke English and was so excited.  He asked if I could teach him English since he needed help with some English homework.  I was very happy to help him, and after we talked for a while we gave him a Book of Mormon.  I'm hoping to help him again with the language and with teaching him about the gospel!

     I know this Church is true!  I'm so happy to be on a mission and I love the Japanese people!  Have a great week.
Elder Trevor Aiken

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