Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Planting Seeds!

     This week was such an awesome week. We were able to hand out several Books of Mormon and plant many seeds!
     I have truly realized how this is the happiest and the saddest two years of my life. The "happy" is that I love these people so much and I have realized my responsibility to the Lord and his children.  The "sad" is because it truly is personal to me when I am trying to teach the gospel to someone and they don't want to accept this truth because I could be the Lord's vessel that gives the truth to them. This is their opportunity to return to live with their Heavenly Father for eternity. God is everything that is good. 
     Moroni 7:13 says: But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.
     He is everything that is good in this world. That is something that is worth sharing to this world. But many people lack the faith to believe in something that great without seeing Him. But they do not realize what they are losing by turning away from that faith. They lose everything, and if we do the same we will lose everything. If we hold onto our faith, we will receive everything that we could ever ask for. Moroni 7 gives great insight on this also:

21 And now I come to that faith, of which I said I would speak; and I will tell you the way whereby ye may lay hold on every good thing.

25 Wherefore, by the ministering of angels, and by every word which proceeded forth out of the mouth of God, men began to exercise faith in Christ; and thus by faith, they did lay hold upon every good thing; and thus it was until the coming of Christ.

26 And after that he came men also were saved by faith in his name; and by faith, they become the sons of God. And as surely as Christ liveth he spake these words unto our fathers, saying: Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall receive, behold, it shall be done unto you.

     If we have faith in our Savior Jesus Christ and our Father, we can literally lay hold upon every good thing!! Anything we ask of in faith we can receive. Why turn away from a promise with a gift as great as the unmeasurable word, "everything." It is so hard to see God's children push away from that opportunity. I have to rely on my faith to get me through every day of this mission. I still do not know this language, and I am the only white person in this city and I am wearing a shirt and tie and people look at me like an alien a little bit haha. I still do feel inadequate every day because of the mantle placed upon me as a missionary and my duty here in Japan. But I find comfort in the countless promises given to us as missionaries in the mission field. I love what it says in D&C: 68:2-4:

2 And, behold, and lo, this is an ensample unto all those who were ordained unto this priesthood, whose mission is appointed unto them to go forth.

3 And this is the ensample unto them, that they shall speak as they are moved upon by the Holy Ghost.

4 And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation.

     How powerful is that everyone!!?? Whatsoever they speak shall be as scripture!!! The Spirit is so powerful! I strive every day to make my will, mind, and voice one with the Spirit and one with the Lord. If I do not I will not touch anyone's heart. I am but a vessel sent to spread His word.
     All I leave with you this week is a solemn promise. If you hold on to your faith and align your will with the Father's, you will literally lay hold upon every good thing and you will have the guidance of the spirit to guide you through this life and onto the straight and narrow path to our Father's presence. I love all of you and I love this work. It is the truth, light, and joy of this world. It is the testament of the Savior. I am here to serve in his place, and I will give it my all and I will hold nothing back. I challenge you to please do the same.
Take every footstep in faith! Keep your eyes on Christ! I love you all!
Elder Trevor Aiken

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