Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Turn to Him!

     Hey everyone! This week was very hard but also great. When we fall to the greatest depths in our lives we rise higher and closer to our Heavenly Father than we ever have.  That's because no one can fall lower than Christ did when He suffered for all of our pains, afflictions and our sins. If we turn towards our Savior and keep our eyes on him WE CANNOT 
FAIL! I testify of these things. I saw this come true this week. 

     I had a difficult time this week because the communication barrier is so huge with my Japanese companion. It was like we did everything he felt was right because he could not understand what I was saying when I brought forward ideas so I gave up.  We talked about it and finally resolved it after he kind of understood but I was still frustrated why this was so hard on me. I just prayed to the Lord so sincerely to help me have a positive attitude because I did not know why this was happening and what to do. I have rarely received such clarity in a time of struggle than this. I just realized that the Lord was just trying to humble me so that I would turn unto Him with all of my heart. I realized that He is the Gardner here and I am being cut down to grow and be molded into what He wants me to be. I took a minute to look at the big picture. I had realized that in these past few weeks that as it felt that the communication barrier was getting bigger and bigger with my companion, that as I was humbled, my communication barrier with the Lord was becoming completely transparent.  That is not to say that I don't work every day to understand and recognize the spirit and promptings, but I realized that the Lord was with me every second on those days. But I had to be humbled and turn to Him. If any of you struggle with a relationship and feel their is a communication barrier, look and see, if you humbled yourself, and look to see how you have come closer to the Lord. Your communication may have come much closer than it ever has. Just listen and He may have the answer for you of how to help that relationship.
     In a talk by Elder Richard G. Scott called 'How to Receive Revelation and Inspiration for Personal Life', he says this about humility: "For spirituality to grow stronger and more available, it must be planted in a righteous environment. Haughtiness, pride, and conceit are like stony ground that will never produce spiritual fruit. Humility is a fertile soil where spirituality grows and produces the fruit of inspiration to know what to do. It gives access to divine power to accomplish what must be done. An individual motivated by a desire for praise or recognition will not qualify to be taught by the Spirit. An individual who is arrogant or who lets his or her emotions influence decisions will not be powerfully led by the Spirit."
     I have truly realized that I need to humble myself one hundred percent in order to receive revelation and build an environment for me to grow. I also realized that it takes so much courage to do so. When we are around people we can say such powerful things and work hard, but what are we doing when no one is around, or even more so when we are alone in our prayers and our studies? Are we praying sincerely, are we reading with intent? What are we doing when no one is looking. What are the true intentions of our hearts? 
Philippians 2:12  Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

     Being courageous is not doing what is right or what is brave when others are around. That is the bravery of the world. True bravery is doing what is right and what is hard when no one is looking. It is working like it all depends on us, but then praying like it all depends on Him. It is truly repenting and communicating with just you and the Lord. It is changing your heart. It is letting yourself to be broken down so he can rebuild you. That is true courage. It is God that knows our heart and our intentions and know us perfectly. Should we not think it wise to know him, so that we can truly know ourselves? I had to ask myself that question this week and I found my answer. God is our Father, Christ is the way, and we are His vessels. Come unto Him and you shall be endowed with the powers of Heaven to overcome all trials and tribulations as we turn unto God. Always keep your eyes on Christ and you shall never fall! This week I took my eyes away from his judgement and looked at the world and I fell. But IN THE SECOND, that I called for help, He raised me out of the water and was there right when I needed him. Just call to Him please!  Just like the father of the prodigal son he will never be angry. He is always looking for you to return from a long way off and he will accept you with open arms and with joy. Just turn. Just turn. I testify of our Father and of our Savior's love and power. I love them from the bottom of my heart. They guide me every day with everything I do. I love you all. And God loves you perfectly. Have an amazing week!!
Elder Trevor Aiken

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