Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Twice as good...

Lunch with my companion Elder Adachi! 

   Ok here is the joke for the week. Who is the greatest doctor of the Bible? It is a toss up. Job had the most patience, but Moses delivered all of the children of Israel... Sorry that was such a Larry Aiken joke right there!
Can you tell we like to eat?
     But anyway, our p-day was messed up because we had splits with the assistants in Tokyo on Monday and Tuesday so here we are. It is funny though when you have splits, your attitude towards it is completely based on your relationship with your companion. If you are in a good companionship you do not want to leave. If you have a bad one you treasure the day away - haha. My companion and I are just killing it though! We are doing so well. We just figured everything out and are working well together. It is just crazy that the transfer is already coming to an end again this week. Time flies so fast. If he transfers, the odds are I will become senior companion because at this point 80% of this mission in my transfer are younger... and I am only transfer 5. So young. 
     But I thought about how I have learned from my companion this last transfer and how our companionship progressed and I held onto a quote he told me. He told me that, "A good relationship is when the good times are twice as good and the bad times are half as bad." That is how it ended up this transfer. Everything we did that was fun was twice as fun. All of the miracles we witnessed held twice the joy. We found joy in each others successes and goals. Then when the hard times hit, we each took half the burden and took it together. It made it twice as easy. I thought about how true that statement was when he said it and how opposite it is when we are not having a good relationship. 
     I thought about my relationships before my mission and how I treated others and was treated by them as well. How are our relationships in our family and with our friends? Are we twice as happy in the good times and are we rejoicing in each others successes? Are we happier around them and feel like burdens are lifted? But, most importantly, how is our relationship with God? This relationship is different because we just have to do our part and the Lord will always be there and do his. Are you twice as happy when you are following the Lord? Are you giving yourself to Him? Are you feeling like your burdens are lifted every day from Him? Take the step. Make the relationship. Make it stronger! He made us. I think we can make time for Him. 
     That was just a thought I wanted to share with you this week. Sometimes we get so angry or flustered because of how our friends sometimes treat us poorly, or even family members, but are we doing the same to the Lord? He gives us everything. He saved us. Yet, sometimes we do not even take the time to talk to Him for a five minutes in the morning or the evening. He is dying to have a relationship with us. Let us strive to play our part. I love you all so much and have the best week ever! 
Elder Trevor Aiken

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