Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 40

Is she cute or what?  Find her name below.
     How is everyone doing? I transferred to Adachi this last week! It was a huge surprise and it was so hard to leave the people in Takasaki, but I love this new area already. There are some amazing people here! We were able to set up a wedding reception at the church as missionaries and then we were able to go. It was so awesome! It is so cool to see a couple take that step to go get married in the Temple in Japan. That is not something you see it a lot. I loved it. 
     We have some awesome investigators. All of them are foreign so they speak English! It is so weird to have all my lessons in English right now. But so many foreigners live in Tokyo. Including the other Elder's investigator who is from Amsterdam. He is a 6 foot 7 ex-pro kick boxer. He is the coolest guy ever. He knows more about the gospel than I do I think. He is basically a member he is just working so hard to quit smoking, but he gave a talk in church a few weeks ago because he knows so much!

     But anyway, the transfer was still hard for me. It was hard to leave a young man we had helped come back to church and were helping prepare for a mission. Sometimes this work is so hard and I wish the Lord could just finish it! Do it for me haha. This feeling does not come all the time, but there are always those frustrating times that come, but my eyes were opened and I was very humbled this week by this quote from President Monson. "God left the world unfinished for man to work his skill upon. He left the electricity in the cloud, the oil in the earth. He left the rivers unbridged and the forests unfelled and the cities unbuilt. God gives to man the challenge of raw materials, not the ease of finished things. He leaves the pictures unpainted and the music unsung and the problems unsolved, that man might know the joys and glories of creation." I had never thought of it that way. God rested the 7th day and gave that time to us to work. For us to work with His creations to become like Him. I wonder if that is why they say that thousands of years for us is like a day in heaven, because it is the 7th day. I was just thinking out loud, but I love this quote.
     This is our time to work our skill, to give our all, and to try
ourselves so we can finish the unfinished earth he left for us. It is the time for us to grow. I have definitely come to know little by little, more and more, the joys and glories of the creation. I hope in times of trial and hardship we can remember that the Lord left this work for us to do. It is yet unfinished. Whenever we question why, just remember where it says it dozens of times, "for a wise purpose." He knows everything. He has His purpose. He just wants us to return to Him and this is how we can. 

     I love you all so much and I hope you have an amazing week! Go out and finish the unfinished, sing the unsung, solve the unsolved! This is our last time in the vineyard! Go out and give everything you have! Then leave the rest to Him. Have a great week!
Elder Trevor Aiken

By the way...have you ever seen a cuter little girl than Miaichan? No. No you have not. (They call little kids chan after their name in Japan. Here real name is Miai.)

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