Elder Trevor Aiken

Elder Trevor Aiken

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Week 90!

One of the sweetest girls from one of my favorite families in Adachi!
     It was a great week this week. We had more and more opportunities to keep working with the ward and build relationships with them. We played basketball with the young men and young women and had a great time! I wore my Curry jersey that a member gave me because instead of "Warriors" it has the kanji 勇士 (brace warrior) on it and it is awesome! Even though I think it is Chinese... but I love it!  My companion does not like playing sports at all but loves to watch so he was cheering from the sidelines for the youth and pumping them up. But it was awesome, we had 12 youth come which is huge out here .

     Then as most of you are probably wondering about or heard, the whole missionary schedule, Pday schedule, and reporting has changed.  We do not report lessons any more. We went from reporting 9 stats to 4 and we now have 2 1/2 more hours on Pday to prepare for the week. But it has been very different for us here with that. We are working a lot with members though and trying to find time to teach their families private English lessons which is awesome. 
     We had a FHE with the Nohagi family last night and they are one of my fav families in the world I am serious. I made my mom's no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookies and those were unreal. They loved them. So fun. I think they uplifted us more than we did them. They testified about their missions and miracles they saw and Nohagi Shimai the mom, told us a miracle that had happened just last week where after 35 years of looking, the missionary that baptized her found her! They had been looking for each other for 35 years and now for the first time they will meet in May. After she got baptized, the missionaries do not know that she went on to serve a mission in California, got married in the temple, raised 4 children in the gospel and two of which served missions. We never know all the good that we do. We never see all the results. So cool! The church is true! 

     The work is going great. This next week we are just hitting the streets and finding because we need to find new people. 
     I have a favorite quote I wanted to share this week.
“May we be convinced that Jesus is the Christ, choose to follow Him, be changed for Him, captained by Him, consumed in Him, and born again." 
     In the moment of adversity and trial may we choose Christ. Every time. It is through him that we are made whole. May we follow our fearless captain. 
     Also I wanted to share my ichiban (most) fav quote that my mom sent me. It is my background on my iPad. "If we're not hungry for Christ, we're probably too full of ourselves." How true is that. I feel this way a lot as a I sometimes look inward. May we all be a more hungry for Christ. May we feast upon his words. 

Have a great week!
Elder Trevor Aiken

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